Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Multiple Intelligences in the Classroom

1. Discuss which of the multiple intelligences you have strengths in and then discuss some of the core characteristics of that (or those) intelligences. Discuss which of the core characteristics best describe you and your learning style.

The three strongest multiple intelligences I found I possess are intrapersonal, rhythmic, and verbal or naturalist. Some of the core characteristics involved in intrapersonal intelligence are affective awareness, ethical awareness, and self-regulation. Rhythmic characteristics include: aural orientation, patterning, resonance, and audiation. Naturalist characteristics are natural orientation, attribute orientation, categorization, hierarchical reasoning, and schematic memory.

Intrapersonal definitely encompasses my learning style the best. I'm quick to make judgments on whether or not I like an activity and tend to follow my instincts before thinking things completely through. But I'm able to set realistic goals and make appropriate choices when I need to.

2. Discuss what students with this type of intelligence enjoy, are like, or tend to do within classroom settings.

Intrapersonal students enjoy journals, surveys, class discussions, and other means to express themselves. They tend to have bold personalities and set opinions and love the opportunity to communicate their ideas.

3. Discuss how you will support this type of intelligence within your classroom and within your teaching.

In my classroom I will support intrapersonal students by making comparisons and using different kinds of instruction. I will definitely make the class more student centered. Intrapersonal students typically don't do well in lecture settings so I would attempt to avoid this instruction for their sake. I would also include student self assessments and providing time for reflection.

4. Discuss what technologies stimulate this type of intelligence.

* Journals
* Diaries
* Surveys
* Voting machines
* Learning centers
* Children's literature
* Class discussion
* Real time projects
* Online surveys
* Online forms
* Digital portfolios
* Self-assessments

5. And finally, discuss how you might impact student learning by applying your understanding of learning styles and multiple intelligences within your classroom.

I would impact student learning by being sensitive to different learning styles and varying my teaching techniques to apply to different students. Not all students will learn effectively in the same way, so I will try not to stick with one teaching style.